Field Trips

Field Trips

The maximum sighting and discovery of birds and butterflies happens when I go for field trips. This normally starts around 6.00 am in the morning and goes till 12.00 to 2.00 pm in the afternoon. Both butterflies and birds are photographed. These photographs are then edited, cropped to fit the size for uploading. At the same time identification is made. Normally the first step is to upload the image on iNaturalist and look for nomenclature suggestions. In case of confusion I wait till the ID is approved through peer review and rated as Research Grade. In case of delay or confusion, I refer to various resources on Internet and try to complete the identification process. After this the images are uploaded here. There still may be some incorrect identification/ naming which is rectified on review.

Every field trip is filled with excitement; as either a new variety is seen and photographed or a new clearer image or a new perspective is clicked. I share these very interesting sojourns with you.

Field Trip 4th October 2023

 Perch Check Dam, chotti bari Perch SAS Nagar New Chandigarh